The appraiser shorted our value about $20k under any house on my street and they were only half the size of ours. Same size houses on our street are valued at $250k+ and ours appraised for $180k. It really didn't benefit us to refinance. All we did was lose 5 years of equity, reset our loan to 30 years and didn't get the projects done that we wanted to do which was the whole point of refinancing.
Response from Veterans United
Hello Ronald, we appreciate your feedback on this matter. Our team will be researching your appraisal process to determine what our team may do in the future to help prevent a similar issues. The appraisal process is managed directly by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and we understand how the home buying process can become stressful when working to overcome an unexpected circumstances. The VA appraiser is also not selected by Veterans United but again is handled directly by the Department of Veterans Affairs While we do not take responsibility for third party actions, it was beneficial to explore this topic further with you. Our Client Advocate team is available anytime during the loan process to ensure excellent customer service, and we would love the opportunity to speak with you further to learn about this experience. Please contact us to share more information.